NEPHELE 2nd Open Call banner
Brussels, Belgium

The NEPHELE project is a groundbreaking initiative funded by the Horizon Europe program that aims to transform how applications are orchestrated and managed across diverse computing environments. By bridging the gap between cloud, edge, and IoT technologies, NEPHELE is creating a seamless and efficient platform for hyper-distributed applications.

The project has recently launched its 2nd Open Call to select up to 8 Mid-Caps and SMEs involved in developing distributed applications or intelligent orchestration mechanisms to validate the NEPHELE architectural approach and synergetic meta-orchestration framework.  

The selected companies will receive up to 110,000 Euros in funding and will have the chance to participate in a 6-month-long support program with access to technical mentoring to advance their solution. 

SMEs (including startups) or Mid-Caps interested in applying must be registered as a legal entity no later than the 20th of October 2024 in the European Union and its Overseas Countries and Territories or in the Horizon Europe Associated Countries.  

The objective is the validation of the proposed architectural approach of the NEPHELE platform and synergetic meta-orchestration framework implementation, based on the development of intelligent orchestration mechanisms and a set of distributed applications (incl. VOs, cVOs)

Proposals must address one of the two types of projects listed below:
- 1st project type: Development and deployment of a distributed application for the computing continuum
- 2nd project type:  Development, integration and evaluation of an intelligent orchestration mechanism for the NEPHELE Synergetic Meta-Orchestrator.

Join us to help creating a future where applications can be deployed and scaled effortlessly across any computing infrastructure, from data centers to remote devices, delivering unprecedented performance levels! 

The deadline to apply to 2nd NEPHELE Open Call is 20 October at 9 AM Brussels Time