WP1 Project Management and Consortium Coordination
WP2 Requirements, Reference Architecture and Use Cases
D2.1 Requirements, Use Cases Description and Conceptualization of the NEPHELE Reference Architecture
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP2 tasks and provides the set of IoT devices/VOs management and synergetic orchestration requirements, description of the use cases that will be realised within NEPHELE and a set of data processing requirements and description of the NEPHELE reference architecture.
D2.2 NEPHELE Reference Architecture Final Specification
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP2 tasks and provides the set of IoT devices/VOs management and synergetic orchestration requirements, description of the use cases that will be realised within NEPHELE and a set of data processing requirements and description of the NEPHELE reference architecture.
WP3 Virtual Object Stack Development
D3.1 Initial Release of VOStack Layers and Intelligence Mechanisms on IoT Devices
This deliverable includes the outcomes of tasks T3.1-T3.4 tasks and provides initial description and implementation of the VOStack Layers. It also includes the outcomes of T3.5 regarding the support of intelligence on IoT devices. -
D3.2 Final Release of VOStack Layers and Intelligence Mechanisms on IoT Devices
This deliverable includes the outcomes of tasks T3.1-T3.4 tasks and provides final description and implementation of the VOStack Layers. It also includes the outcomes of T3.5 regarding the support of intelligence on IoT devices.
WP4 Edge and Cloud Computing Synergetic Meta- Orchestration
D4.1 Initial Release of Hyper-distributed Applications Synergetic Meta-Orchestration Framework, Development Environment and Repository
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP4 tasks and provides initial description and implementation of the Hyper-distributed Applications Synergetic Meta-Orchestration Framework, Development Environment and Repository -
D4.2 Final Release of Hyper-distributed Applications Synergetic Meta-Orchestration Framework, Development Environment and Repository
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP4 tasks and provides final description and implementation of the Hyperdistributed Applications Synergetic Meta-Orchestration Framework, Development Environment and Repository
WP5 NEPHELE Platform Integration, Testing and Refinement
D5.1 First Release of NEPHELE Platform, Dashboard and DevOps Environment Setup
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP5 tasks and provides the first release of the NEPHELE platform and dashboard, including documentation of the DevOps/EdgeOps Environment setup and maintenance processes.
D5.2 Final Release of NEPHELE Platform, Dashboard and DevOps Environment Setup
This deliverable includes the outcomes of all WP5 tasks and provides the final release of the NEPHELE platform and dashboard, including documentation of the DevOps/EdgeOps Environment setup and maintenance processes.
WP6 Use Cases Design, Implementation and Evaluation
D6.1 Use Cases Framework Definition and Initial Use Cases Execution Management and Evaluation
This deliverable includes the first outcomes of all WP6 tasks. It defines the common Use Case framework foreseen, it presents the rollout details and evaluation specification for all demonstrators for the use cases, as well as the respective initial evaluation reports.
D6.2 Final Use Cases Execution Management and Evaluation
This deliverable includes the final outcomes of all WP6 tasks and presents the rollout details and evaluation specification for all demonstrators for the use cases, as well as the respective final evaluation reports.
WP7 Open Call Management and Support Programme
WP8 Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan
D8.1 Dissemination, Communication and Exploitation Plan
This deliverable describes the strategy for dissemination, communication and exploitation and provides the communication and dissemination roadmap of the project, along with the implementation of the project website.
D8.2 Initial Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation Activities Report
This deliverable includes the initial activities done in T8.1 for dissemination, T8.2 for communication, T8.3 for standardization, T8.4 for exploitation & innovation management and T8.5 for open-source ecosystem creation, community building and sustainability of the NEPHELE outcomes.
D8.3 Final Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation Activities Report
This deliverable includes the final activities done in T8.1 for dissemination, T8.2 for communication, T8.3 for standardization, T8.4 for exploitation & innovation management and T8.5 for open-source ecosystem creation, community building and sustainability of the NEPHELE outcomes.