NEPHELE is proud to announce the eight winners of its 1st Open Call. They will receive 76,000 EUR and a 6-month Support Programme.
These are our winners
Magos Virtual Object
Is a digital twin of the human hand. The project leverages Magos gloves, renowned for their advanced reliability in finger tracking and haptic feedback. They will provide additional functions to the VO Stack that moderns training in critical industries such as surgical and cockpit pilot.
EV Parking Stack
Parity Platform P.C.
Will extend VOStack and add new VOs and CVOs required to manage vastly heterogeneous devices in the vertical Electric Vehicle Parking/Charging Businesses.
Agritech Oracle
Is a solution designed to optimize irrigation procedures. The project uses CRITERIA, an open-source, agro-hydrological model that simulates one-dimensional water flow in different weather and plant conditions.
Climate Optimization & Outstanding Living
Aims to realize a software/hardware solution capable of precisely controlling the internal conditions of each room optimizing energy consumption for cooling/heating and maximising indoor comfort for occupants.
Security and Intelligence for Retail Environments
Caboto SRL
Envisions a sophisticated security system dedicated to big-box retailers, employing a network of fixed IoT sensors and an autonomous LiDAR-equipped wheeled robot to detect and relay information on potential anomalies.
Humane virtual object development via wearables
Thingenious PC
Aims at developing the (c)VOs of human beings exploiting data originated by wearable devices (e.g. smartwatches).
Towards Semantic Interoperability for the VOStack*
Digiotouch SARL
Will develop semantic interoperability for VOStack for improved remote healthcare services. Due to the heterogeneity of medical equipment, the EHRs are not semantically interoperable.
Virtual Object Factory for building digital twins
Is helping cities to face today's environmental, economic and social challenges by providing them digital twin-based solutions in smart mobility, smart buildings, smart energy, environmental monitoring, etc.
Welcome to all of them to the MetaOS ecosystem! Find more info in our FundingBox Community.
2nd Open Call will be announced soon! Stay tuned!