
NEPHELE attended the CEICO International Workshop on the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum for Hyper-Distributed Applications and Services. This workshop was colocated with the 16th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2023) that took place in Taormina, Italy on 4-7 December 2023. It was organised by National Technical University of Athens and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The workshop took place Room B of the Hotel Villa Diodoro in Taormina.

The program included the following presentations:

16:30 16:50
"Introducing Monitoring and extended Elasticity support in TOSCA
Andreas Tsagkaropoulos (ICCS)
Ioannis Verginadis (ICCS)
Gregoris Mentzas (ICCS)
16:50 17:30
"ROS-based Robotic Applications Orchestration in the Compute Continuum: Challenges and Approaches"
Giovanni Toffetti (ZHAW)
Tharaka Ratnayake (ZHAW)
Mark Straub (ZHAW)
17:30 17:50
"Towards an European Open Continuum Reference Architecture"
Rosaria Rossini (Eclipse)
Lara Lopez (ATOS)