The Open Community Experience event - OCX 2024 - is the newly annual open source conference hosted by the Eclipse Foundation. The event is taking place on 22-24 October 2024 in Mainz, Germany.
eSAAM 2024, the 4th Eclipse Security, Artificial Intelligence, Architecture, and Modelling Conference on Data Spaces was hosted by OCX 2024 and took place on 22th October, providing a great opportunity to meet our Eclipse communities in Java, Automotive, the Eclipse IDE, and Eclipse Dataspace. Researchers and professionals engaged in these fields will present their work to the community, comprising industry stakeholders, standardisation bodies, and open-source initiatives here.
On 22nd October at 11:40 CEST, NEPHELE tecnical coordinator Anastasios Zafeiropoulos spoke about Data Management and Exchange between a Meta-Orchestration Platform and Data Spaces. The abstract is as follows:
"A transition is underway towards the development of orchestration systems for the distributed computing continuum, where microservices-based applications are deployed and managed over resources that span from the Internet of Things (IoT) to the edge to the cloud part of it.
In parallel, distributed monitoring frameworks are deployed to manage the vast amount of data produced to assist orchestration actions, optimal deployment of Machine Learning (ML) workflows, and processing of data produced by the IoT infrastructure that are related to vertical industries.
In the current work, we detail the data collection and management approach that we follow into a novel meta-orchestration platform for processing and sharing such data. For the latter, the potential for exploitation of the produced data is analyzed along with the interlinkage of the meta-orchestration platform with emerging work in the domain of Data Spaces. Opportunities and limitations for such an interlinkage are discussed."
You can also ask about NEPHELE to Marco Jahn in Research@Eclipse booth at OCX24!!
Welcome Coffee
Opening Session
- Keynote: European Data Strategy: From data spaces to platforms with decentralised intelligence
- Rolf Riemenschneider
- A catalyst for EuropeaN ClOUd Services in the era of data spaces, high-performance and edge computing: NOUS
- Diego Valdeolmillos Villaverde
- SKILLAB: Creating a Skills Supply and Demand Data Space
- Konstantinos Georgiou
- Keynote: Data Spaces as a Collective Action to Create an Infrastructure for the Data Economy
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Boris Otto
- Enabling EDIHs as Data Space intermediaries
- Daniel Sáez Domingo
- Evolution of Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes towards data product pipelines
- Gorka Zarate
- Data Management and Exchange between a Meta-Orchestration Platform and Data Spaces
- Dr. Anastasios Zafeiropoulos
- NExt generation Meta Operating systems (NEMO) and Data Space: envisioning the future
- Dr. Olga Segou
- Lunch
Use Cases and Applications
- Introducing an Enhanced Metadata Broker for Manufacturing Data Spacesunch
- Alexandros Nizamis
- IntraDataspace - An architecture of a company-internal Dataspace
- Jan Peter Meyer
- The MobiSpaces Manifesto on Mobility Data Spaces
- Ioannis Chrysakis
- Sovereign IIoT Data Exchange Using DAG-Based DLT and International Data Spaces Architecture
- Anhelina Kovach
- Coffee break
Security and Privacy
- Keynote: Building governance for health data spaces and infrastructures: interplay between General Data Protection Regulation, Artificial Intelligence Act and European Health Data Space Regulation
- Prof. Ricard Martínez Martínez
- Data Trustees: A Whitelisting Approach for Trusted Data Sharing
- Michael Steinert
- Automating Cybersecurity Compliance in DevSecOps with Open Information Model for Security as Code
- Dr. Henry Haverinen
- Privacy-Friendly Sharing of Health Data Using a Reference Architecture for Health Data Spaces
- Amir Shayan Ahmadian
Wrapping up
- Keynote: What is next? Towards Dataspace Interoperability: Open standardisation and implementation
- Javier Valiño
- eSAAM award & Closing Session
- Committer Recognition Reception