AIOTI Workshop on Semantic Interoperability and Digital Twins banner
Sophia Antipolis, France

With support from NEPHELE, W3C/ERCIM hosted the AIOTI Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins at the Inria campus in Sophia Antipolis, France on 5-6 February 2025.

Semantic Interoperability is the ability of computer systems to exchange data with a shared, unambiguous meaning. This is relevant to NEPHELE in respect to the role of controlled vocabularies, taxonomies and ontologies for information modelling for all of our use cases.

The workshop was related to the field of semantic interoperability and laying the groundwork for the next generation of information systems. This workshop was focused on finding practical solutions for real-world industrial challenges. Discussions involved a mix of invited talks, breakout sessions, and community-submitted presentations, all aimed at addressing industrial needs for semantic interoperability. The event provided ample opportunities for real discussions and will be followed up with a publicly available workshop report.

This AIOTI workshop focused on solutions for industry along with encouraging greater take-up of semantic technologies, including controlled vocabularies, taxonomies, and ontologies. Semantic interoperability is essential for supply chains as well as for repairs and recycling in relation to the plans for the circular economy as part of the EU’s Green Deal.

The workshop covered the following topics:

  • State of the Art: Establishing a shared understanding of the current landscape of semantic interoperability.
  • Success Stories and Best Practices: Showcasing successful implementations and identifying common practices, e.g., at GS1 and eclass.
  • Challenges and New Technologies: Exploring what is missing and the potential contributions of emerging technologies, including AI and digital twins. Discussing metrics for evaluating the maturity of vocabularies, taxonomies, and ontologies.
  • Roadmap and Next Steps: Concluding with recommendations for advancing the field and proposing a roadmap for future development.

In his talk "Standardized Semantics in Automation Systems: Showcasing successful implementations in NEPHELE and SmartEdge projects", our colleague Darko Anicic from Siemens highlighted the application of existing semantic standards - W3C WoT, OPC UA, and NGSI-LD - in engineering and interoperability within smart buildings and the industrial sector.

These standards are specifically used to enhance the engineering of devices, applications, and systems. One of the main results are innovative features such as customizable automation devices, low-code applications, and virtual commissioning, which collectively reduce costs in automation systems. 

In his talk "Virtualization of IoT devices and the development of Digital Twins software stack in the NEPHELE project", our colleague Nikos Filinis from National Technical University of Athens presented NEPHELE vision and architecture, the composite Virtual Object definition, the conversion needed across different semantic representations, our deployment types and our GitHub repository. 


    Day 1 - 05 February 2025

  • 08:30 - 09:30 Registration
  • 09:30 - 10:30 Welcome and Introduction
    - Introduction by the Host (Dominique Hazaêl-Massieux, ERCIM)
    - Goals of the Workshop (Dave Raggett, ERCIM) [slides]
    - Overview of AIOTI Semantic Interoperability Group and its activities (Martin Bauer, NEC Laboratories Europe) [slides]
    - AIOTI Ontology Landscape (Martin Bauer, NEC Laboratories Europe) [slides]
    - Data to Ontology Mapping Whitepaper (Cornelis Bouter, TNO) [slides]
  • 10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
  • 11:00 - 12:30 Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins (1): Industry
    - Keynote: Asset Administration Shell (AAS), ECLASS and SAAM (Vladimir Alexiev, Ken Wenzel, Hossein Rimaz, Fraunhofer IWU)  [slides] [abstract]
    - Keynote: Asset Interfaces Description for WoT as part of the AAS, and relation to ECLASS and OPC UA (Sebastian Käbisch, Siemens) [abstract]
    - Keynote: Semantic interoperability in respect to Web of Things, NGSI-LD and OPC UA (Darko Anicic, Siemens) [abstract] [slides]
    -Keynote: Ontology for Digital Thread (Cordelia M Ezhilarasu, SLB)  [slides]
  • 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
  • 14:00 - 15:30 Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins (2): Data Spaces
    - Keynote: Semantic interoperability for dataspaces Workshop series (Martin Kaltenböck, Graphwhise/SWC) [slides] [abstract]
    - Keynote: Semantic Problems in Dataspaces (Vladimir Alexiev, Graphwise/Ontotext) [slides] [abstract]
    - Long Talk: Hourglass pattern for MIM and semantic interoperability (Antonio Kung, Trialog) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: Semantic Interoperability for Environmental Digital Twins and Data Spaces (Arne Berre, SINTEF AS) [slides]
    - Talk: Ontologies and the Data Continuum and their use in the Edge Intelligence Industry Applications (Martin Serrano, Insight SFI Research Centre) [slides] [abstract]
    - Open Discussion: Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins and Data Spaces, Moderators: Antonio Kung, Rigo Wenning
  • 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
  • 16:00 - 18:00 Semantic Interoperability for Digital Twins (3): Building Digital Twins and Applications
    - Keynote: OMG standards relevant to digital twins (Claude Baudoin, Object Management Group) [slides] [abstract]
    - Keynote: OMG Commons Ontology Library and related standards (Elisa Kendall, OMG, remote from California) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: On Digital Twin Semantics (Jan B. de Meer, Object Management Group) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: Virtualization of IoT devices and the development of Digital Twins software stack in the NEPHELE project (Nikolaos Filinis, National Technical University of Athens)[slides]
    -Talk: Semantic interoperability approach of the AURORAL H2020 project (Raúl Garcia Castro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) [slides] [abstract]
    - Open Discussion: Building Semantically Interoperable Digital Twins [15] - Moderators: Claude Baudoin, Antonio Kung
    -Talk: Semantic Technologies to Enhance Interoperability Between Multi-Energy Networks (Francesca Soldan, RSE S.p.A.) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: Design of the TIPS4PED Project Semantic Interoperability Layer (Anna Geraci, LINKS Foundation) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: Digital Twins for waters (Franco Crivello, CETaqua, Water Technology Center) [slides] [abstract]
    -Talk: Ontologies for digital twin: JUNON project use case (Fatma Chamekh, BGRM - French geological survey)
  • Open Discussion: Semantic Interoperability in Application Areas [15]  Moderators: Nikolaos Filinis,  Rigo Wenning (to be confirmed)
  • 19:00 Dinner

    Day 2 - 06 February 2025

  • 09:00 - 10:00 Semantic Interoperability in Relation to Generative AI
    - Keynote: Using generative AI to support mapping data to ontologies (Martin Bauer, NEC Laboratories Europe) [slides]
    - Long Talk: Reuse of ontologies and impact of generative AI (Henon Mengistu Lamboro, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) [slides] [abstract]
    - Long Talk: LLM Toolchain for Open Data and NGSI-LD (Danilo Pillitteri, Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico della Sicilia (PSTS)) [slides] [abstract]
    - Long Talk: Role of LLMs for data integration and semantic data interoperability, focusing on entity matching (Francisco Martin-Recuerda, SINTEF AS) [slides]
    - Open Discussion: Semantic Interoperability in Relation to Generative AI, Moderators: Martin Bauer, Cornelis Bouter
  • 10:00 - 10:30 Coffee Break
  • 10:30 - 12:30 Best Practices for Vocabulary Development
    - Keynote: SAREF Suite of Ontologies (Cornelis Bouter) [slides]
    - Keynote: Smart Data Models, NGSI-LD (Alberto Abella) [slides]
    - Keynote: CIM Model (Electricity/Energy), (Svein Olsen - CIM expert) [slides]
    - Keynote: GS1’s experience with managing vocabularies and anchoring semantics (Phil Archer) [slides] [abstract]
    - Talk: Best practices and tooling for vocabulary development and publishing (María Poveda-Villalón) [slides] [abstract]
    - Open Discussion: Best Practices for Vocabulary Development, Moderators: Phil Archer, Dave Raggett.
  • 12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
  • 13:30 - 14:30 Tooling for Vocabulary Development and Discovery
    - Keynote: Ontology discovery with, as used by agroportal (Naouel Karam, InfAI) [slides]
    - Long Talk: SEMAPTIC - A new tool for fast and easy adoption of semantic interoperability (Carlos Pereira, INESC-TEC) [slides]
    - Long Talk: The Local Digital Twin Toolbox: Catalyzing Smart City Transformation (Antonio Jara, Libelium) [slides]
    - Panel: Tooling for Vocabulary Development and Discovery - Moderators: Maxime Lefrancois and Martin Serrano
  • 14:30 - 16:00 Bringing It All Together
    Session Chair/Moderator: Claude Baudoin
  • 16:00 – Closing of the Workshop

(Thanks to Marie-Claire Forge from ERCIM for the nice pictures of this event!)