NEPHELE has participated in the EC CONCERTATION AND CONSULTATION ON COMPUTING CONTINUUM EVENT: FROM CLOUD TO EDGE TO IOT, organised by EUCloudEdgeIoT in The Claridge Hotel, Brussels. A presentation and a rollup were prepared for this event, and Anastasios Zafeiropoulos (NTUA) represented our project.

Several EC representatives, including project officers and directors, attended the event. There was a “RIAs Guided Tour” session around the posters on the first day of the event, in which the EC representatives and other experts were guided across the project posters. A “RIAs Pitch Session” was held, in which each project had the opportunity to briefly present its project goals, expectations and vision. And - last but not least - a "EUCEI Research Community Booklet" including relevant information about all the projects was made available for the event.