Jornadas Cascade Funding Iris Navarra
Online event

This online info session will explain what is Cascade Funding, the European Commission mechanism to distribute public funds to support SMEs and midcaps but also start-ups.

The audience will have the chance to know first-hand some of the current equity-free funding projects you can benefit from.

- Inés Dintén García will talk about dAIEDGE and TALOS projects
- Antonio Salvador Calvo will explain NEPHELE and ICOS projects

Maria Roca Puigserver, Senior Project Manager at NEPHELE partner FundingBox will provide all the details to prepare a succesful project application.

Additionally, Antonio José Castro Area (Econet), representing IRIS, and Sergio Mayo and Alfredo Esteban García (Instituto Aragonés de Fomento) from Aragón EDIH, will introduce the EDIHs and explain how they can support you in securing funding.

*Important: this webinar will be in Spanish