Intent-driven orchestration of serverless applications in the computing continuum
2024 Future Generation Computer Systems Volume 154, May 2024, Pages 72-86
Following the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) and edge computing technologies and the development of distributed applications with strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, a transition is underway from centralized computing models to distributed computing continuum systems. The latter…
A Virtual Object Stack for IoT-Enabled Applications Across the Compute Continuum
2023 International Workshop on the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum for Hyper-Distributed Applications and Services (CEICO)
5G and cloud computing are set out to address various business needs, often related to the deployment of IoT-enabled applications across the compute continuum. However, the provision of such hyper-distributed applications is far from trivial, due to various interoperability and convergence aspects…
Intent-driven Distributed Applications Management over Compute and Network Resources in the Computing Continuum
2023 - IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2023 (4th International Workshop on Real-life modeling in 5G/6G networks and beyond)
Intent-driven orchestration enables organizations to achieve greater automation, integration, and intelligence of their compute and network resources by defining their objectives and policies in a more abstract and holistic way, while letting the orchestration system handle the coordination,…
A Lightweight Software Stack for IoT Interoperability within the Computing Continuum
2023 - IEEE DCOSS-IoT 2023 (5th International Workshop on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things)
With the rapid advancement in the next-generation Internet of Things (IoT) and the ever-expanding virtual representation of devices, novel techniques and definitions are key to accommodate emerging paradigms to transform our world. In the quest of achieving the coveted convergence of IoT…