On-device Online Learning and Semantic Management of TinyML Systems

2024 - ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems,Vol. 23, Issue 4
Recent advances in Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) empower low-footprint embedded devices for real-time on-device Machine Learning (ML). While many acknowledge the potential benefits of TinyML, its practical implementation presents unique challenges.This study aims to bridge the gap between…

TinyMetaFed: Efficient Federated Meta-Learning for TinyML

2023 ECML PKDD workshop track: Simplification, Compression, Efficiency, and Frugality for Artificial Intelligence (SCEFA) , Torino, Italy
The field of Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) has made substantial advancements in democratizing machine learning on lowfootprint devices, such as microcontrollers. The prevalence of these miniature devices raises the question of whether aggregating their knowledge can benefit TinyML applications.…